Day 2 – 10 trail miles 4 wandering miles
After a long previous day of hiking it was a slow start. Showers, laundry, and breakfast were in order. The chores were done and we left at about 11am after an a amazing breakfast from which I was so full I could barely walk!
We had decided earlier for a short 6 mile day and after reaching Boulder Campground, eating lunch, and lounging for an hour we decided to add a few miles.
The reward was beautiful meadows and flat miles. At least for a bit! After climbing for an hour we decided to skip the additional miles and make camp by Kitchen Creek, mile 30.
The tent site was glorious! Perfectly placed under a large tree with the soft sound of a flowing stream in the background. Clearly I was tired when picking this glorious site as I seemed to be falling the entire night from the steep slope and was never really comfortable.
The benefit of the horrible campsite is once you wake up again and realize it’s 5:30am you get going right away! No reason to sleep in when you are uncomfortable! 🙂
You all are awesome!!!!
We at Red Mountain Survival are following your progress/blog. We’ve created a new service just for thru-hikers (It’s free!). If you’ll text your GPS coordinates periodically to 936-647-5699 we will update our online PCT maps to show everyone where you’re located. The maps are viewable at Good luck to you!
Hi Todd, you can find my coordinates on the Where Is The Nomad page. Thank you for following!