I have been forced off trail and given a new opportunity to experience the PCT in an entirely unexpected way.My PCT by car journey begins today!
For the next six weeks I will be on crutches allowing the stress fracture in my foot to heal and embracing my new journey as I meet PCT thru-hikers on the trail for spontaneous trail magic. Trail magic to thru-hikers as I have experienced it is basically kindness from strangers. Water caches, cold soda or beer, fruit, cookies, candy, hotdogs, sandwiches, rides to and from the PCT, places to stay, and meals paid for. These are all examples of trail magic which I have received along the way and I am looking forward to paying this kindness forward.
Today started out with picking up four thru-hikers in Independence and bringing them to Kearsarge Pass via Onion Valley Trail Head. I then picked up Dill and Frazor from Vancouver and brought them to Independence, and went right back up with BananaBoat. I then waited for Butterfly to come down.
I ended the day shuttling 9 hikers including Butterfly and giving out a few cold beers to those just coming off the pass. Day one of PCT by car has come to an end. It’s not the same as hiking by any means but…