The last 48 hours have been a whirlwind of packing, moving pile navigation, and movers. The best line of the day was when one of the movers told the other... "No of course he is not walking to Canada! That's just crazy" I now have plenty of room to finish the resupply boxes, confirm all addresses, and create a mailing list for the friends handling my resupplies. Life is good! 15 days until ...
My New Passport Is In Process!
In about one hour I had the forms filled out, new pictures done, everything signed, and $152.25 paid for my new passport. I was told it is their “busy season” and should not expect it for at least six weeks. I have arranged for someone to check my mail every few weeks and let me know when it arrives. I will then have the passport added to one of my resupply boxes… No worries! On a positive note ...
I Am One Happy Nomad!
If you read my post from yesterday I Have Been Robbed! you would know about the loss of my Pacific Crest Trail hiking permit and Canada Entry permit. I am happy to report both should be in the mail to me today! I spoke with Jack briefly at the Pacific Crest Trail Association office yesterday and was informed that reissuing my hiking permit would not be a problem. I received an email from Marnie ...
I Have Been Robbed!
Sadly I arrived home today to discover my house had been burglarized. Happily no one was home therefore no one was harmed. Almost all the electronics in the house were gone. The camera I was planning to take for the PCT, memory cards, check books, and many random items of value gone. Luckily almost all of my backpacking gear was with me and apparently my friendly thieves did not see any value ...
21 Short Days To Start!
Just 21 days left and I will be standing next to a 15 foot metal border fence separating Mexico and the US. The starting point for the Pacific Crest Trail. I know if I had to I could be ready in less than 48 hours yet it seems I still have so much to do! Here are a few random realizations and tasks on my mind today... I have way too much tuna for my resupply boxes. I think I have 125 ...
PCT Gear
Below is the gear list for my 2014 Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike as it stands 32 days before my start. All of these items have had hours and hours of thought, use, and practice, have been removed, added again, removed yet again, replaced, and refined. With 32 days left I am sure a few changes are yet to happen! This is the gear that will be in my pack minus food, water, and fuel. I would enjoy ...
PCT Itinerary
Here is the itinerary for my 2014 Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike! I have spent many hours thinking, planning, re-thinking, planning, re-thinking again, and planning to put this together. I am happy as it looks now and absolutely know after my first month this itinerary will be plus or minus a few days to a few weeks or more. If you want to know exactly where I am at any given moment you can click ...